Monday, November 24, 2008

I Cry Every Time

Ok-so I have to admit something. I'm not the kind of person that cries a lot. I mean, if something touches me, or if I'm sad I will cry, but it just doesn't happen very often. But there is something that gets me every time. For those of you who may not know, I am the secretary in the Primary-what I consider the greatest calling in the world. (Iknow, I know-they all are!) I love the reports, the rolls-being in sharing time watching the children but not 'watching' the children. Yesterday during sharing time they sang a song which, without fail, ALWAYS makes me cry. The lifting music, the powerful words and the sweet children voices combine in the most incredible way as to bring the spirit into the room, filling every corner and every heart-strengthening every testimony. So, here I will share the words with you, and hope that they have the same impact on you as they do on me. The words give me such hope for our children and the future they hold. You can find the music to this song on I hope this song fills you with the spirit, gives you goosebumps, strengthens your testimony, and most of all-makes you cry.

Janice Kapp Perry, “Holding Hands Around the World,” Friend, Jul 2002, 44–45
1. There are children singing all around the world,
Happy voices ringing out the joyful word:
We are children glowing with the gospel light,
Standing tall, walking strong, choosing right.
There are children leading out in ev’ry land
Who believe in keeping all the Lord’s commands.
Like the stripling warriors, we go forth in faith,
For we know that the Lord is our strength.

We are children holding hands around the world,
Like an army with the gospel flag unfurled.
We are led by His light,
And we love truth and right.
We are building the kingdom of God.

2. There are children sharing all around the world,
Leading other children to the gospel fold.
With the strength of youth, we do the Father’s work.
With our hearts and our hands we will serve.
We are cov’nant children with a gift to give.
We will teach the gospel by the way we live.
With each word and action, we will testify:
We believe, and we serve Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, as I spend a little more time playing around with this blog thing, I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. I learned how to add pictures, friends lists, music playlist-I think I might be on my way to becoming a halfway decent blogger!! And since I am starting to get the hang of it, I will hopefully start posting more. As I've been learning to navigate around 'the blog', I found the 'lists'. I decided to post a list of things I want to learn how to do one day. I have always enjoyed learning and doing new things as I hope to better myself. So, I've listed a few of the things I hope to accomplish in my life. Some of these I can do at the moment, and I am! (the oboe lessons start in a week or two!) Some need to wait until the girls are bigger, and some need to wait until I can really dedicate the time. I hope that everyone is always striving to learn new things. It is so rewarding to learn a new skill! I am glad that this blog is one I can add to the list!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


So, with this weekend being UEA, neither of the girls had school, and in my effort to be "the best mom ever" I decided we would do some fun 'activities' as the girls call them.

On Thursday we went to 'This Is The Place Heritage Park' for their Little Haunts day. The girls wore their costumes and they went trick-or-treating around the town, got face painting, went to the petting zoo, and went on a hay ride. We also made corn husk dolls, something I've always wanted to learn how to do. It was very warm and a beautiful day.
Friday the girls dressed up again and we went to Gardner Village for their 'Wee Witches Weekend'. Gardner Village puts out these life sized witches all around and had a Scavenger Hunt for the kids to find certain witches and turn in the completed hunt paper for a cookie. Lexi had her eagle eyes open and found all of them, and wrote them down on her paper. We had a lot of fun, and the girls looked adorable in their costumes!! Caitie said "This is the best day of my life!" That can't but help you feel good, right? It was one of the best days of my life too, Caitie-spending time with my beautiful girls.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Music that makes you breathe

Do you know what I'm talking about? Those songs that you love so much that when they start, you take a deep breath in and lose yourself in them. This is what I have experienced in putting together the playlist for my blog. I found my new and old favorite songs, faves from my childhood and high school, and a few of my girls (including Jesse McCartneys-'Chicken on a Journen' as sung by my Caitie-lol). I am excited to share some of my favorite music with everyone who visits my blog.
Music is deeply ingrained in my life. I love that music can surround us. I love that there is music to fit any type of mood, and to me it is such a personal part of each of us. The next time you hear one of your very favorite songs, lose yourself in the melody, the harmony, the beat and the lyrics-and breath in deep.

So I gave in to peer pressure

Lonni, here I am-are you happy? It took me about half an hour to figure this stupid thing out, but I did it-and yes, I did have to read the 'Blogging For Dummies' book. I think this might be fun-or I might completely hate it. We'll see how it goes!!